
about us

About Body Corporates (ABC) Ltd, was formed by Kim Jones and Sharron O’Sullivan.
Between them they have over 30 years experience within the property sector.

Sharron O'Sullivan

Sharron O'Sullivan

Sharron's professional background is Customer Service Management & Problem Resolution roles, both in the Telecommunications industry and the Medical Industry, She has significant experience in both, Commercial Property Management and Body Corporate Management and is one of the founding Directors of About Body Corporates.

Mobile: 021 579 012 | Office: 09 623 0220

Kim Jones

Kim Jones

Kim has set up and managed a Property Management company in the UK operating in Cambridge and London and has also owned and operated a successful Property Management company in Auckland. She has been directly involved in Body Corporate Management for the last 16 years and is one of the founding Directors of About Body Corporates.

Mobile: 021 545 716 | Office: 09 623 0221


I have owned my apartment with ABC as our body corporate manager for over four years. During that time ABC have had to deal with quite a few little and big problems to do with the buildings maintenance. Thankfully due to their perseverance we have had great results and low or even no costs associated with the works. (ABC have been the body corporate manager of my building for over a decade).

 Our body corporate manager has a very easy relationship with our building manager and they call each other frequently to make sure things are running smoothly.
The team at ABC have supported our financial aim of having fewer and fewer debtors, and the ABC accounts staff have been strong in pursuing repeat late payers and have put our building in a much healthier accounts position. 

Bain Duigan



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